a Message from Suzzy
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Snorkeling has been amazing lately! We've been seeing a plethora of critters like finding four octopus, turtles, dragon wrasse and many fish in just one snorkel. We are seeing more than I share in my biology 101 talk before heading into the water in the mornings and that's saying a lot.
June 10, 2008 - My morning snorkel group won the lotto! The group consisted of the Cortez family and Tony & Dede Ryan. We arrived at our snorkel spot and I immediately spotted dolphins off in the distant. I continued to keep my eye on them throughout the 1st snorkel in case they happened to be near enough for us to see. Then on our 2nd snorkel that morning, off in the distance I saw one dolphin jumping, then two and before you knew it we were snorkeling with a group of 50-60 dolphins right below us. After approximately 30 minutes of snorkel time with them they decided they had enough and off to the blue water they headed.
We never know each morning when I head into the ocean what the ocean will reveal. One thing I know for sure… after spending 25 years of teaching snorkeling and scuba on Maui, I am still seeing & experiencing new wonders of our beautiful ocean. By joining me on a morning snorkel adventure you'll never know how lucky you can get?
Tony & DeDe Ryan

Tony & DeDe Ryan
We had a fantastic time snorkeling. We both enjoyed the lesson before the dive. Even though I have a marine bio background, most of my work was along the central coast of CA where most of the fish are different than what we see on a tropical island reef. My wife always had trouble locating the Humhumunukunukuapua’a in the water, but after the practice with you she managed to find some on every dive. The pictures you sent are great, I was able to get some good turtle shots but the dolphins didn't show up very well with my little film camera.
Thanks for a wonderful time.
Tony & Dede Ryan