Maui Snorkel Tours
Never too Young, Never too Old, Never Boring
by Suzzy Robinson

December 2007
Snorkeling has been great over the past few months. Not only do I gain pleasure from introducing people to snorkeling and showing them the beauty of ocean. I'm also amazed that I continue to learn and find new stuff that I haven’t seen in over 25 years in Maui Waters. My latest find was this huge carnivorous jellyfish which I’ve been waiting to see for over 23 years after Ed brought home a photograph of one that he saw off the island of Kahoolawe here in Maui County.

Whether you are a more matured person or youngest of the young, I take people snorkeling of ages 6+ years, all experience and comfort levels - even non-swimmers. Gladys is one of my Senior Snorkelers - her daughter Martha brought her to me when she was on holiday on Maui and wanted to share the beauty of snorkeling with her. Gladys trusted me and took my teaching techniques (Gladys doesn't know how to swim and has had a couple near drowning experiences). She snorkeled for over an hour and was thrilled to work through her fears of the water.
The Barrett family brought their two children, Kate and Nicholas to learn snorkeling correctly from the get go, laying a positive foundation for all their years ahead. After practicing some snorkel skills in calm, shallow water, the kids took to snorkeling like fish in water.
Hope to see you on Maui soon and in the water sharing the beauty of our oceans.
With Aloha, Suzzy Robinson