Aloha, and welcome to the underwater world of Maui, presented by...
All photos Copyright © 1995 - 2011, Ed Robinson

This page is intended for the discerning divers of the world. Why would you consider diving with our company? In a word - experience.
I'm not speaking of our experience, although the company has been a leader in the diving community on Maui for over twenty years, and I have personally been exploring dive sites off Maui since 1971. No - I'm speaking of your experience while diving with Ed Robinson's Diving Adventures. That is really what is important to you, isn't it?
If you're like me, as you step off the boat at the end of a charter, you want to feel good about how the day has gone. The dives were great, your wishes and needs were fulfilled by the crew, and you have lots of new memories you can't wait to share with your family and friends. As you walk away, you feel fulfilled.

I realized a long time ago that the quality of a dive trip is directly related to the willingness of a divemaster to listen to the diver's (your) needs, and then to go out of his/her way to give you more than you are asking.
Over the years, I have associated myself with the best professional captains and divemasters in Hawaii. The common trait you will find in each of us at Ed Robinson's Diving Adventures is that we care about the quality of the job we do, and we care about the divers we are serving. If you don't have a good day, we don't have a good day either.
And being the best on Maui is paying off. One of my favorite quotes is "Our reputation speaks for itself ... ask around." So do it - ask about us on the Internet, Undercurrent, your diving friends that have been to Maui, and your local dive shop. You will be very surprised how may divers know of our reputation and will recommend us!
PS: I am very interested in your suggestions and especially your constructive
criticism regarding your experience while diving with us. Please contact
me directly at with
your comments.
(Note: Please direct booking
inquiries to: