Why We Dive
by Ev Schultz
(No. 1)
Recent activities in the ocean reinforce why we dive…
every day is different!

On the 10th of June there were over 20 spinner dolphin nose to nose with divers on their surface interval…so much so, that the normal 3-5 minute interval became a 20 minute adventure.
On the 12th, not only were spinner dolphin active, but a once in a lifetime sighting occurred. A manta ray somehow became tangled in a mooring line at Molokini Crater and met its demise. Two tiger sharks led the feeding activity as a myriad of reef fish and white tip reef sharks assisted with cleanup duties. There was no evidence remaining the next morning. And on June 27th a playful monk seal joined the divers for the duration of their dive.
July 3rd was extremely active on the reef. Ten or more gray reef sharks, with another dozen white-tip reef sharks, spotted eagle rays and a bait ball including barracuda highlighted the Enenue side of Molokini. Sharks were cutting in and out of the bait ball. Additionally, a little sex and the sea was apparent with mating blue dragon nudibranchs and two devil scorpionfish chasing each other.

Independence day was a good time to dive the old degaussing station we call "3-anchors." There were over 25 green lionfish sited as well as a thornback cowfish and spotted eagle rays.
Mayhem at Reef's end on July 5th with two yellow margin morey eels fighting, as well as a 4' barracuda and two frog fish hanging out.

August 3rd included a barred conger eel, flying gurnard and two spotted eaglerays. In addition, a Galapagos shark was being cleaned and a manta stopped by on the safety stop.
The ever illusive whaleshark showed up October 3rd, much to the delight of divers and crew…. and always a delight to see.

And on October 9th, a galapagos shark was sited at Red Hill (pu'u ola'i), and was large enough to have a school of fish trailing.
This, of course, is just a sampling of highlights divers experienced over the past few months. We see small miracles and marvels taking place on the reefs of Maui each day we dive. And you can too!
Let's go Diving! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ev Schultz
Ev Schultz is an integral part of ERDA. She has managed the booking office for over nine years and is constantly being praised by our customers for her warm and friendly manor while dealing with our diver's needs.