Maui Garden Cottage
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One of the great features that make our Garden Cottage so relaxing is the sound of the waterfall cascading into the large koi pond.
Goldi and Lacey celebrate their 7th birthday. The oldest of the five koi in the cottage pond share their trials and tribulations of pond life at the Garden Cottage.

Goldi is the most aware of feeding time and the first at the breakfast table, as a result, she is the largest of the ‘ohana. Lacey has ornate pectoral and caudal fins and is black, gold and white in coloration.
Introduced in the spring of 2000 at 6” in length, they are more than 18” currently. They have survived the neighbor boys fishing attempts, pump and filtration challenges, a black crowned night heron fishing for their swordtail and guppy companions, various leaks and repairs over the years, and have ducked falling mangos seasonally.

Recent repairs to the waterfall by fellow diver Mike Zurawel and Suzzy Robinson should maintain the pond for Goldi, Lacey, and their finned companions, and help maintain the tranquility of the pond and garden for cottage guests for many years to come.
1-800-635-1273 or 808-879-3584