Divers Speak Out
and earn a FREE book

We Know ... there are lots of writers and lots of stories (like the Monk Seal at Molokini that fondled and caressed dozens of divers and snorkelers.) Some of the e-mail we receive are almost publishing quality.

So, We are willing to trade you for your story. Here's how it works, sort of like a contest but without rules: The author of any story that is accepted and published on this site will receive a copy of either an Underwater Guide to Hawaii or Sand to Sea, signed by the photographer, Ed Robinson! Both books feature Hawaiian marine life.
If you are still interested read on...
How to submit your diving story.
If you have any Maui (Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Molokini & Kahoolawe) dive stories you would like to share, you may submit them for publication consideration on this web site.
We are looking for stories that will help visitors to this site better understand what to expect, good or bad, when they dive around Maui. The content of your story is up to you, however it must be tasteful and generic. You may mention the dive operation you made your dives with, as a point of reference, but any judgmental comments for or against the operation will be edited out, or the story will be rejected.
You may submit your story by e-mail, or URL link to your own web site. If it is accepted, It will be downloaded and reformatted to complement our site. Photos may be included, however we reserve the right to reduce the size of large graphic files.
A sideline of personal information about yourself (the author), including where you live, will make the story more meaningful. We will include an e-mail link back to you, and a link to your personal web site.
We would love to hear what you have to say. Please submit your story, and direct inquiries by e-mail to Ed Robinson.
Let's Go Diving!